Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hey guys,
So my dad went to a seminar by Dr. Mike Ladra last night that went over the themes in the upcoming C.S. Lewis movie Voyage of the Dawn Treader and when I was reading over his notes I couldn't stop thinking of Crime and Punishment so here are some of paralleling themes:

1. Sin is a form of self-abuse (Sin is it's own punishment)
2. (Roman 12:1-2) transformation begins as a battle in the mind...YOU determine the person YOU become
3. The key to transformation is to face the pain of knowing the person I am (self-knowledge)
4. Forgiveness removes our guilt and leads to redemption But forgiveness does not remove consequences...their are lasting consequences to our sin
5. no man knows how bad he is till he has tried very hard to be good...that is why bad people know very little about badness. they have lived a sheltered life by always giving in...we never find out the strength of evil inside us until we try to fight it...the man is awake now
6. Temptation at first looks so good, but look eventually brings death of a relationship or character etc. (bait on a hook...enticed...then take the bait and get hooked and dragged away)

Please expand on these in relation to the novel! I found so many connnections!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Actually I changed my mind. Yeah I'm going to write a whole post in the title bar. I feel like Nastasya is super symbolic but I don't know why. But it seems like whenever she shows up, light is mentioned, so if you have any idea what that actually means, let me know, thanks. Loff.

Hi this is Tara via Kristie.

So this blog works. Excellent.

I don't know if I'm supposed to write about Crime and Punishment right now, uhm, so I'm going to bring up the subject of Raskolnikov's complete insanity. I think he's crazy insane. He keeps talking to himself, shivering, and isolating himself from everyone; even his best friends. Some argue Rask. is not insane, but just completely consumed by guilt of the murder that he cannot function properly. But, even before the murder, he was quite crazily talking to himself and tried to avoid company while at the same time craving it.

He even called himself a "verging" hypochondriac. I think he's insane. Just saying.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Privjet, Classmates

This discussion board was conceived because Raskolnikov is bipolar and the lovely members of my AP Lit class need a place to talk about it. No, seriously, this board is for educational purposes only. Remember, kids, this is the internet. You can never un-see something. Let's keep all content posted here clean. Please and thank you!